Protein Drug Design and Molecular Diagnostics


周耀旗,《出发,不断走出舒适区的科研生活之旅》,上海科学技术出版社,上海,2024.4,第一版。<Selected readers' reviews>


【265】周耀旗,汤金乐,张哲,詹剑,蛋白质结构预测的过去、现在和未来,科技部高技术研究发展中心/科技日报社《前沿科学》,第18卷,3: 75-80(2024).

【264】X. Rao, K. Zhou, J. Tu, Y. Lei, Q. Li, X. Hong, C. Wang, S. Tan, W. Shang, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and J. Zhan, “Design and synthesis of large stokes shift DNA dyes with reduced genotoxicity.”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 724: 150224 (2024).[Link]

【263】 K. Chen, T. Litfin, J. Singh, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, “MARS and RNAcmap3: The master database of all possible RNA sequences integrated with RNAcmap for RNA homology search.”, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics , in press (2024). [Link]【新闻】

【262】 The Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation Consortium, “CAGI,the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation, establishes progress and prospects for computational genetic variant interpretation methods.”, Genome Biology , 25: 53 (2024). [Link]

【261】B. Zhou, B. Ji, C. Shen, X. Zhang, X. Yu, P. Huang, R. Yu, H. Zhang, X. Dou, Q. Chen, Q. Zeng, X. Wang, Z. Cao, G. Hu, S. Xu, H. Zhao, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang, “EVLncRNAs 3.0: an updated comprehensive database for manually curated functional long non-coding RNAs validated by low-throughput experiments.”, Nucleic Acids Research , 52 , D98–D106 (2024). [Link]【新闻】

【260】J. Zhang, M. Lang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Zhang, “Predicting RNA structures and functions by artificial intelligence.”, Trends in Genetics , 40: 94-107 (2024) . [Link]【新闻】

【259】 Y. Zhang, M. Lang, J. Jiang, Z. Gao, F. Xu, T. Litfin, K. Chen, J. Singh, X. Huang, G. Song, Y. Tian, J. Zhan, J. Chen, and Y. Zhou, “Multiple sequence-alignment-based RNA language model and its application to structural inference.”, Nucleic Acids Research ,52 , e3 (2024).[Link]【新闻】


【258】 Y. Zhou, T. Litfin, and J. Zhan, 3=1+2: How the Divide Conquered de Novo Protein Structure Prediction and What’s Next?  National Science Review, 10:nwad259 (2023). [Link]新闻

【257】Zhang, H. Yin, F. Ling, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, “SPIN-CGNN: Improved fixed backbone protein design with contact map-based graph construction and contact graph neural network.”, PLOS Computational Biology, 19:e1011330 (2023). [Link]

【256】Zhe Zhang, Xu Hong, Peng Xiong, Junfeng Wang, Yaoqi Zhou, Jian Zhan, "Minimal twister sister (TS)-like self-cleaving ribozymes in the human genome revealed by deep mutational scanning"eLife 12:RP90254 (2023). [Link]

【255】陈海峰,周耀旗,第五章 学术论文写作的基本规范,上海交通大学出版社《学术规范与科研伦理》(童善保 主编),118-142(2023).

【254】周耀旗,杨建益,彭珍玲,中国科学院《2022年科学发展报告》,第二章 科学前沿:2.3蛋白质结构预测: 现状和相关问题的未来展望,55-64(2023).

【253】A. Del Conte, A. Bouhraoua, M. Mehdiabadi, D. Clementel, A. M. Monzon, A. S. Holehouse, D. Griffith, R. J. Emenecker, A. Patil, R. Sharma, T. Tsunoda, A. Sharma, Y. J. Tang, B. Liu, C. Mirabello, B. Wallner, B. Rost, D. Ilzh ̈ofer, M. Littmann, M. Heinzinger, L. I. M. Krautheimer, M. Bernhofer, L. J. McGuffin, I. Callebaut, T. B. Feildel, J. Liu, J. Cheng, Z. Guo, J. Xu, S. Wang, N. Malhis, J. Gsponer, C.-S. Kim, K.-S. Han, M.-C. Ma, L. Kurgan, S. Ghadermarzi, A. Katuwawala, B. Zhao, Z. Peng, Z. Wu, G. Hu, K. Wang, M. T. Hoque, M. W. U. Kabir, M. Vendruscolo, P. Sormanni, M. Li, F. Zhang, P. Jia, Y. Wang, M. Y. Lobanov, O. V. Galzitskaya, W. Vranken, A. D ́ıaz, T. Litfin, Y. Zhou, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, Z. Doszta ́nyi, G. Erd ̋os, , S. C. E. Tosatto, and D. Piovesan, “CAID prediction portal: a comprehensive service for predicting intrinsic disorder and binding regions in proteins.”, Nucleic Acids Research, 51(W1):W62-W69 (2023). [Link]

【252】K. Chen, Y. Zhou, S. Wang, and P. Xiong, “RNA tertiary structure modeling with BRiQ potential in CASP15.”, Proteins (CASP 15 Special Issue) , Proteins. 91:1771–1778 (2023).[Link]新闻

【251】F. Wu, X. Chen, Y. Ma, Y. Wu, R. Li, Y. Huang, R. Zhang, Y. Zhou, J. Zhan, S. Liu, and W. Xu, “Glycosylated, lipid-binding, CDR-like domains of SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 indicate unique sites of immune regulation.”, Microbiology Spectrum , 11(4):e0123423 (2023). [Link]

【250】Y. Song, Q. Yuan, S. Chen, K. Chen, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, “Fast and accurate protein intrinsic disorder prediction by using a pretrained language model.”, Briefings in Bioinformatics , 24(4),1-10 (2023). [Link]

【249】Y. Ma, X. Hong, F. Wu, X. Xu, R. Li, J. Zhong, Y. Zhou, S. Liu, J. Zhan, and W. Xu, “Inhibiting the transcription and replication of Ebola viruses by disrupting the nucleoprotein and VP30 protein interaction with small molecules.”, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica , 44:1487–1499 (2023).[Link]

【248】 B. Zhou, M. Ding, J. Feng, B. Ji, P. Huang, J. Zhang, X. Yu, Z. Cao, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang,  “EVlncRNA-Dpred: Improved prediction of experimentally validated lncRNAs by deep learning.”, Briefings in Bioinformatics ,  24(1):1-8 (2023). [Link]


【247】X. Chen,  K. Chen, Z. Zhang,  P. Wei,  L. Zhang,  Y. Xu,  Q. Lun,  Y. Ma,  F. Wu,  Y. Zhang, Y. Wang,  J. Zhao,  Y. Zhou, J. Zhan, and W. Xu, "Investigating derivatives of tanshinone IIA sulfonate sodium and chloroxine for their inhibition activities against the SARS-CoV-2 Papain-like protease.", ACS Omega 7, 48416–48426 (2022).[Link]

【246】L. Rolband, D. Beasock, Y. Wang, Y. Shu, J. D. Dinman, T. Schlick, Y. Zhou, J. S. Kieft, S.-J. Chen, G. Bussi, A. Oukhaled, X. Gao, P. Šulc, D. Binzel, A. S. Bhullar, C. Liang, P. Guo, K. A. Afonin, “Biomotors, viral assembly, and RNA nanobiotechnology: Current achievements and future directions.”,Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal ,20 : 6120–6137 (2022) [Link]

【245】M. Solayman, T. Litfin,  Y. Zhou, and J. Zhan, "High-throughput mapping of RNA solvent accessibility at the single-nucleotide resolution by RtcB ligation between a fixed 5'-OH-end linker and unique 3'-P-end fragments from hydroxyl radical cleavage.", RNA Biology,  19:1, 1179-1189 (2022). [Link] 【新闻

【244】SPOT-RNA-2D:  J. Singh, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, J. Singh, and Y. Zhou, “Predicting RNA distance-based contact maps by integrated deep learning on physics-inferred secondary structure and evolutionary- derived mutational coupling.”, Bioinformatics , 38, 3900-3910 (2022). [Link]

【243】G. Taherzadeh, M. Campbell, and Y. Zhou, “Computational prediction of n- and o-linked glycosylation sites for human and mouse proteins.”, in Computational Methods for Predicting Post-Translational Modification Sites. Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by D. B. KC, volume 2499, 177–186, Humana, New York, NY, (2022). 

【242】F. Islam, Y. Zhou, and A. K. Lam, "Long non-coding RNAs profiling using microarray in papillary thyroid carcinoma, in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.", Methods in Molecular Biology,edited by A. K. Lam, volume 2534,  135--148, Humana, New York, NY, (2022).

【241】 F. Islam, Y. Zhou, and A. K. Lam, "Liposomal sirna delivery in papillary thyroid carcinoma cells, in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.", Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by  A. K. Lam, volume 2534,  121--133, Humana, New York, NY, (2022).

【240】J. Singh, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, J. Singh, and Y. Zhou, “Reaching alignment-profile-based accuracy in predicting protein secondary and tertiary structural properties without alignment.”, Scientific Reports , 12, Article number: 7607 (2022). [Link]

【239】M. Solayman, T. Litfin, J. Singh, K. Paliwal, Y. Zhou, and J. Zhan, “Probing RNA structures and functions by solvent accessibility: An overview from experimental and computational perspectives.”, Briefings in Bioinformatics , 23,1-16  (2022).

【238】K. Zhou, T. Litfin, M. Solayman, H. Zhao, Y. Zhou, and J. Zhan, “High-throughput split-protein profiling by combining transposon mutagenesis and regulated protein-protein in- teractions with deep sequencing.”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 203, 543-552 (2022). [Link]

【237】J. Singh, T. Litfin, J. Singh, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, “SPOT-Contact-LM: Improving single-sequence-based prediction of protein contact map using a transformer language model.”, Bioinformatics, 38: 1888-1894 (2022). [Link]

【236】N. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Lei, R. Wang, M. Zhan, J. Liu, Y. An, Y. Zhou, J. Zhan, F. Yin, and Z. Li, “Design and evaluation of a novel peptidedrug conjugate covalently targeting SARS-COV-2 papain-like protease.”, J. Medicinal Chem ,  65, 876–884 (2022). [Link]

【235】B. Evert, V. Slesarenko, J. Punnasseril, T. T, J. Zhan, Y. Zhou, E. Semchenko, and K. Seib, “Self-inhibitory peptides targeting the Neisseria gonorrhoeae mtrcde efflux pump increase antibiotic susceptibility.”, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy , 66: e0154221  (2022). [Link]

【234】 Q. Yuan, J. Chen, H. Zhao, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, “Structure-aware protein-protein interaction site prediction using deep graph convolutional network.”, Bioinformatics , 38(1), 125–132 (2022) . [Link]

【233】 (OSCAR-Design) S. Liang, Z. Li, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, “De novo protein design by an energy function based on series expansion in distance and orientation dependence.”, Bioinformatics ,38(1),  86–93 (2022). [Link]


【232】P. Zhang, S. Zheng, J. Chen, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, “DeepANIS: Predicting antibody paratope from concatenated cdr sequences by integrating bidirectional long-short-term memory and transformer neural networks.”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) , 118–124 (2021).

【231】J. Singh, J. Singh, K. Paliwal, A. Busch and Y. Zhou, "SPOT-1D2: Improving Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using High Sequence Identity Training Set and an Ensemble of Recurrent and Residual-convolutional Neural Networks," 2021 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CIBCB49929.2021.9562849 (2021).

230】Y. Xu, K. Chen, J. Pan, Y. Lei, D. Zhang, L. Fang, J. Tang, X. Chen, Y. Ma, Y. Zheng,B. Zhang, Y. Zhou, J. Zhan, and W. Xu, “Repurposing clinically approved drugs for COVID-19 treatment targeting SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease.”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 188, 137–146 (2021). [Link]

【229】S. Jin, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, Argonaute proteins: Structures and their endonuclease activity, Molecular Biology Reports 48, 4837–4849 (2021). [Link]

【228】 T. Zhang, J. Singh, T. Litfin, J. Zhan, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, “RNAcmap: A fully automatic pipeline for predicting contact maps of RNAs by evolutionary coupling analysis.”, Bioinformatics , 37, 3494–3500 (2021). [Link]

【227】J. Singh, K. Paliwal, J. Singh, and Y. Zhou, “RNA backbone torsion and pseudotorsion angle prediction using dilated convolutional neural networks.”, J. Chem. Inf. Model.  61, 2610−2622 (2021).[Link] 【新闻

【226】Q. Chen, K. Liu, R. Yu, B. Zhou, P. Huang, Z. Cao, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang, “From “dark matter” to “star”: Insight into the regulation mechanisms of plant functional long non-coding RNAs.”, Frontiers in Plant Science , 12:650926 (2021). [Link]

225 J. Singh, T. Litfin, K. Paliwal, J. Singh, A. K. Hanumanthappa, and Y. Zhou, “SPOT-1D-Single: Improving the single-sequence-based prediction of protein secondary structure, back-bone angles, solvent accessibility and half-sphere exposures using a large training set and ensembled deep learning.”, Bioinformatics , 37, 3464–3472 (2021).[Link]

【224】P. Xiong, R. Wu, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, “Pairing a high-resolution statistical potential with a nucleobase-centric sampling algorithm for improving RNA model refinement.”, Nature Communications , 12,2777 (2021). [Link] 【新闻

【223】(SPOT-RNA2) J. Singh, K. Paliwal, T. Zhang, J. Singh, T. Litfin, and Y. Zhou, Improved RNA secondary structure and tertiary base-pairing prediction using evolutionary profile, mutational coupling and two-dimensional transfer learning, Bioinformatics, 37, 2589–2600 (2021). [Link]

【222】M. Necci, D. Piovesan, M. T. Hoque, I. Walsh, S. Iqbal, M. Vendruscolo, P. Sormanni, C. Wang, D. Raimondi, R. Sharma, Y. Zhou, T. Litfin, O. V. Galzitskaya, M. Y. Lobanov, W. Vranken, B. Wallner, C. Mirabello, N. Malhis, Z. Dosztnyi, G. Erds, B. Mszros, J. Gao, K. Wang, G. Hu, Z. Wu, A. Sharma, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, I. Callebaut, T. Bitard-Feildel, G. Orlando, Z. Peng, J. Xu, S. Wang, D. T. Jones, D. Cozzetto, F. Meng, J. Yan, J. Gsponer, J. Cheng, T. Wu, L. Kurgan, V. J. Promponas, S. Tamana, C. Marino-Buslje, E. Martnez-Prez, A. Chasapi, C. Ouzounis, A. K. Dunker, A. V. Kajava, J. Y. Leclercq, B. Aykac-Fas, M. Lambrughi, E. Maiani, E. Papaleo, L. B. Chemes, L. lvarez, N. S. Gonzlez-Foutel, V. Iglesias, J. Pujols, S. Ventura, N. Palopoli, G. I. Bentez, G. Parisi, C. Bassot, A. Elofsson, S. Govindarajan, J. Lamb, M. Salvatore, A. Hatos, A. M. Monzon, M. Bevilacqua, I. Mieti, G. Minervini, L. Paladin, F. Quaglia, E. Leonardi, N. Davey, T. Horvath, O. P. Kovacs, N. Murvai, R. Pancsa, E. Schad, B. Szabo, A. Tantos, S. Macedo-Ribeiro, J. A. Manso, P. J. B. Pereira, R. Davidovi, N. Veljkovic, B. Hajdu-Soltsz, M. Pajkos, T. Szaniszl, M. Guharoy, T. Lazar, M. Macossay-Castillo, P. Tompa, and S. C. Tosatto, Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction, Nature Methods, 18, 472481 (2021). [Link]

【221】B. Zhou, B. Ji, K. Liu, G. Hu, F. Wang, Q. Chen, R. Yu, P. Huang, J. Ren, C. Guo, H. Zhao, H. Zhang, D. Zhao, Z. Li, Q. Zeng, J. Yu, Y. Bian, Z. Cao, S. Xu, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang, EVLncRNAs 2.0: an updated database of manually curated functional long non-coding RNAs validated by low-throughput experiments, Nucleic Acids Research (Database Issue) 49, D86–D91 (2021).  [Link]

【220】B. Zhao, A. Katuwawala, C. J. Oldfield, K. Dunker, E. Faraggi, J. Gsponer, A. Kloczkowski, N. Malhis, M. Mirdita, Z. Obradovic, J. Sding, M. Steinegger, Y. Zhou, and L. Kurgan, DescribePROT: Database of amino acid-level protein structure and function predictions, Nucleic Acids Research (Database Issue) 49, D298–D308 (2021). [Link]


【219】J. Atack, C. Guo, T. Litfin, L. Yang, P. Blackall, Y. Zhou, and M. Jennings, Systematic analysis of REBASE identifies numerous Type I restriction-modification systems that contain duplicated, variable hsds specificity genes that randomly switch methyltransferase specificity by recombination, mSystems 5, e00497–20 (2020).

【218】(RNAsnap2)A. Kumar, J. Singh, K. Paliwal, J. Singh, Y. Zhou, Single-sequence and profile-based Prediction of RNA solvent accessibility using dilated convolutional neural network, Bioinformatics, 36, 5169–5176 (2020).

【217】Z. Cao, L. Liu, G. Hu, Y. Bian, H. Li, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Interplay of hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions in sequence-dependent cell penetration of spontaneous membrane-translocating peptides revealed by bias-exchange metadynamics simulations, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1862, 183402 (2020).

【216】A. Tan, L. V. Blakeway, Taha, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, J. M. Atack, I. R. Peak, and K. L. Seib, Moraxella catarrhalis phase-variable loci show differences in expression during conditions relevant to disease, PLOS ONE, 15, e0234306 (2020).

【215】K. Wang, N. Lyu, H. Diao, S. Jin, T. Zeng, Y. Zhou, and R. Wu, GM-DockZn: A geometry matching based docking algorithm for zinc proteins, Bioinformatics, 36, 4004–4011 (2020).

【214】A. Barik, A. Katuwawala, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, Y. Zhou, and L. Kurgan, DEPICTER: intrinsic disorder and disorder function prediction server, J. Molec. Biol., 48: 1451-1465 (2020). 

【213】Z. Zhang, P. Xiong, T. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, Accurate inference of the full base-pairing structure of RNA by deep mutational scanning and covariation-induced deviation of activity, Nucleic Acids Research, 48:1451-1465 (2020).

【212】Y. Cai, X. Li, Z. Sun, Y. Lu, H. Zhao, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, SPOT-Fold: Fragment-free protein structure prediction guided by predicted backbone structure and contact map, J. Computational Chemistry, 41: 745-750 (2020)

【211】J. M. Atack, C. Guo, L. Yang, Y. Zhou, and M. P. Jennings, DNA sequence repeats identify numerous Type I restriction-modification systems that are potential epigenetic regulators controlling phase variable regulons; phasevarions, FASEB J , 34: 1038-1051 (2020).

【210】J. L. Abrahams, G. Taherzadeh, G. Jarvas, A. Guttman, Y. Zhou, and M. P. Campbell, Recent advances in glycoinformatic platforms for glycomics and glycoproteomics, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 62, 56-69 (2020).


【209】(SPOT-RNA)J. Singh, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, RNA secondary structure prediction using an ensemble of two-dimensional deep neural networks and transfer learning, Nature Communications 10, 5407 (2019). 

【208】H. Lin, K. A. Hargreaves, R. Li, J. L. Reiter, Y. Wang, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Zhou, C. Zhang, M. T. Eadon, M. E. Dolan, J. Ipe, T. Skaar, and Y. Liu, RegSNPs-intron: a computational framework for predicting pathogenic impact of intronic single nucleotide variants, Genome Biology, 20: 254 (2019). 

【207】(SPOT-MoRF) J. Hanson, T. Litfin, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, Identifying molecular recognition features in intrinsically disordered regions of proteins by transfer learning, Bioinformatics, 36: 1106-1107 (2020). 

【206】T. Zhang, G. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, All-atom knowledge-based potential for RNA structure discrimination based on the distance-scaled finite ideal-gas reference state, J. Computational Biology, 27, 856-867 (2020). 

【205】B. Hadley, T. Litfin, C. J. Day, T. Haselhorst, Y. Zhou, and J. Tiralongo, Nucleotide sugar transporter SLC35 family structure and function, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 17: 1123-1134 (2019). 

【204】W. T. Clark, L. K. L, C. B. C, Z. Hu, G. Andreoletti, G. Babbi, Y. Bromberg, R. Casadio, R. Dunbrack, L. Folkman, C. T. Ford, D. Jones, P. Katsonis, K. Kundu, O. Lichtarge, P. L. Martelli, S. D. Mooney, C. Nodzak, L. R. Pal, P. Radivojac, C. Savojardo, X. Shi, Y. Zhou, A. Uppal, Q. Xu, Y. Yin, V. Pejaver, M. Wang, L. Wei, J. Moult, G. K. Yu, S. E. Brenner, and J. H. LeBowitz, Assessment of predicted enzymatic activity of alpha-n-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGLU) variants of unknown significance for CAGI 2016, Hum Mutation, 40: 1519–1529.(2019). 

【203】(EVlncRNApred)B. Zhou, Y. Yang, J. Zhan, X. Dou, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Predicting functional long non-coding RNAs validated by low throughput experiments, RNA Biology, 16: 1555-1564 (2019).

【202】T. Wang, Y. Qiao, W. Ding, W. Mao, Y. Zhou, and H. Gong, Improved fragment sampling for ab initio protein structure prediction using deep neural networks, Nature Machine Intelligence 1, 347–355 (2019).

【201】J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, T. Lifin, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, Getting to know your neighbor: Protein structure prediction comes of age with contextual machine learning, J. Computational Biology, 27: 796–814 (2020).

【200】C. Savojardo, M. Petrosino, G. Babbi, S. Bovo, C. Corbi-Verge, R. Casadio, P. Fariselli, L. Folkman, A. Garg, M. Karimi, P. Katsonis, P. M. Kim, O. Lichtarge, P. L. Martelli, A. Pasquo, D. Pal, Y. Shen, A. V. Strokach, P. Turina, Y. Zhou, G. Andreoletti, R. Chiaraluce, V. Consalvi, and E. Capriotti, Evaluating the predictions of the protein stability change upon single amino acid substitutions for the FXN CAGI5 challenge, Human Mutation , 40: 1392–1399 (2019). 

【199】V. Pejaver, G. Babbi, R. Casadio, L. Folkman, P. Katsonis, K. Kundu, O. Lichtarge, P. L. Martelli, M. Miller, J. Moult, L. R. Pal, C. Savojardo, Y. Yin, Y. Zhou, P. Radivojac, and Y. Bromberg, Assessment of methods for predicting the effects of PTEN and TPMT protein variants, Human Mutation, 40: 1495–1506. (2019).

【198】(DLIGAND2)P. Chen, Y. Ke, H. Zhao, Y. Lu, Y. Du, J. Li, H. Yan, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, DLIGAND2: An improved knowledge-based energy function for protein-ligand interactions using the distance-scaled, finite, ideal-gas reference state, J. Cheminformatics ,11:52 (2019). 

【197】(RELISH)P. Brown, RELISH Consortium, and Y. Zhou, Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity in biomedical literature search, DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION, 2019, baz085 (2019).

【196】(SPRINT-Gly)G. Taherzadeh, A. Dehzangi, M. Golchin, Y. Zhou, and M. P. Campbell, SPRINT-Gly: Predicting N- and O-linked glycosylation sites of human and mouse proteins by using sequence and predicted structural properties, Bioinformatics, 35: 4140-4146 (2019). 

【195】(SPOT-Disorder 2)J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, and Y. Zhou, SPOT-Disorder2: Improved Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction by Ensembled Deep Learning, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 17: 645-656 (2019). 

【194】Z. Cao, X. Zhang, C. Wang, L. Liu, L. Zhao, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Different effects of cholesterol on membrane permeation of arginine and tryptophan revealed by bias-exchange metadynamics simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 084106 (2019).

【193】(SPOT-Peptide)T. Litfin, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, SPOT-peptide: Template-based prediction of peptide-binding proteins and peptide-binding sites, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 59: 924-930 (2019). 

【192】(SPOT-1D)J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, Improving prediction of protein secondary structure, backbone angles, solvent accessibility, and contact numbers by using predicted contact maps and an ensemble of recurrent and residual convolutional neural networks, Bioinformatics, 35: 2403–2410 (2019). 

【191】M. Bajzikova, J. Kovarova, A. R. Coelho, S. Boukalova, S. Oh, K. Rohlenova, D. Svec, S. Hubackova, B. Endaya, K. Judasova, A. Bezawork-Geleta, K. Kluckova, L. Chatre, R. Zobalova, A. Novakova, K. Vanova, Z. Ezrova, G. J. Maghzal, S. M. Novais, M. Olsinova, L. Krobova, Y. J. An, E. Davidova, Z. Nahacka, M. Sobol, T. Cunha-Oliveira, C. S.-A. Sandoval-Acuna, H. Strnad, T. Zhang, T. Huynh, T. L. Serafim, P. Hozak, V. A. Sardao, W. J. H. Koopman, M. Ricchetti, P. J. Oliveira, F. Kolar, M. Kubista, J. Truksa, K. Dvorakova-Hortova, K. Pacak, R. Gurlich, R. Stocker, Y. Zhou, M. V. Berridge, S. Park, L. Dong, J. Rohlena, and J. Neuzil, Reactivation of Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase-Driven Pyrimidine Biosynthesis Restores Tumor Growth of Respiration-Deficient Cancer CellsCell Metabolism, 29, 399–416 (2019). 

【190】J. Zhan, H. Jia, E. A. Semchenko, Y. Bian, A. M. Zhou, Z. Li, Y. Yang, J. Wang, S. Sarkar, M. Totsika, H. Blanchard, F. E.-C. Jen, Q. Ye, T. Haselhorst, M. P. Jennings, K. L. Seib, and Y. Zhou, Self-derived structure-disrupting peptides targeting methionine aminopeptidase in pathogenic bacteria; a new strategy to generate antimicrobial peptides, FASEB J. , 33: 2095–2104 (2019). 

【189】(SPOT-Disorder-Single)J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, Accurate single-sequence prediction of protein intrinsic disorder by an ensemble of deep recurrent and convolutional architectures, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58: 2369–2376 (2018). 

【188】(SPOT-Omega)J. Singh, J. Hanson, R. Heffernan, K. Paliwal, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, Detecting proline and non-proline cis-isomers in protein structures from sequences using deep residual ensemble learning, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 58: 2033–2042 (2018).  

【187】J. Tiralongo, O. Cooper, T. Litfin, Y. Yang, R. King, J. Zhan, H. Zhao, N. Bovin, C. Day, and Y. Zhou, YesU from Bacillus subtilis preferentially binds fucosylated glycans, Scientific Reports, 8, 13139 (2018). 

【186】(SPIDER3-Single)R. Heffernan, K. Paliwal, J. Lyons, J. Singh, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, Single-sequence-based prediction of protein secondary structures and solvent accessibility by deep whole-sequence learning, J. Computational Chemistry, 39, 2210-2216 (2018). 

【185】(SPOT-Contact)J. Hanson, K. Paliwal, T. Litfin, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, Accurate prediction of protein contact maps by coupling residual two-dimensional bidirectional long short-term memory with convolutional neural networks, Bioinformatics, 34: 4039–4045 (2018). 

【184】L. Zhao, Z. Cao, Y. Bian, G. Hu, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Molecular dynamics simulations of human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 in model POPC and POPG lipid bilayers, Int. J. Mole. Sciences 19, 1186 (2018).

【183】(SPRINT-Mal)G. Taherzadeh, Y. Yang, H. Xu, Y. Xue, A. W.-C. Liew, and Y. Zhou, Predicting lysine-malonylation sites of proteins using sequence and predicted structural features, J. Computational Chemistry, 39, 1757–1763 (2018). 

【182】Z. Cao, Y. Bian, G. Hu, L. Zhao, Z. Kong, Y. Yang, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Bias-exchange metadynamics simulation of membrane permeation of 20 amino acids, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 885 (2018). 

【181】(Book Chapter) B. Zhou, H. Zhao, J. Yu, C. Guo, X. Dou, F. Song, G. Hu, Z. Cao, Y. Qu, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang, Experimentally validated plant lncRNAs in EVLncRNAs database, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant long Non-coding RNAs: Methods and Protocols, 1933, 431-437, 2019.

【180】J. M. Atack, Y. Yang, K. L. Seib, Y. Zhou, and M. P. Jennings, A survey of Type III restriction-modification systems reveals numerous, novel epigenetic regulators controlling phase-variable regulons; phasevarions, Nucleic Acids Research, 46, 3532–3542 (2018).

【179】(SPIN 2)J. O’Connell, Z. Li, J. Hanson, R. Heffernan, J. Lyons, K. Paliwal, A. Dehzangi, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, SPIN2: Predicting sequence profiles from protein structures using deep neural networks PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS, 86: 629-633 (2018). 

【178】M. Khorramdelazad, I. Bar, P. Whatmore, G. Smetham, V. Bhaaskaria, Y. Yang, S. H. Bai, N. Mantri, Y. Zhou, and R. Ford, Transcriptome profiling of lentil (Lens culinaris) through the first 24 hours of Ascochyta lentis infection reveals key defence response genes, BMC Genomics 19, 108 (2018). 

【177】(SPIDER 2 -Grid)J. Gao, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, Grid-based prediction of torsion angle probabilities of protein backbone and its application to discrimination of protein intrinsic disorder regions and selection of model structures, BMC Bioinformatics, 19, 29 (2018) 

【176】(RNAflex)I. Guruge, G. Taherzadeh, J. Zhan, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, B-factor profile prediction for RNA flexibility using support vector machines, J. Comput. Chem. 39, 407-411 (2018) 

【175】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, Y. Lu, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, and Y. Zhou, Quantitative mapping of genetic similarity in human heritable diseases by shared mutations, Human Mutation, 39, 292-301 (2018).

【174】(SPRINT)G. Taherzadeh, Y. Zhou, A. W.-C. Liew, and Y. Yang, Structure-based prediction of protein-peptide binding regions using random forest, Bioinformatics, 34, 477-484 (2018). 

【173】(Book Chapter) H. Zhao, G. Taherzadeh, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, Computational prediction of carbohydrate-binding proteins and binding sites, in Current Protocols in Protein Science, edited by G. Taylor, 94, e75 (2018).

【172】B. Zhou, H. Zhao, J. Yu, C. Guo, X. Dou, F. Song, G. Hu, Z. Cao, Y. Qu, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and J. Wang, EVLncRNAs: a manually curated database for long non-coding RNAs validated by low throughput experiments, Nucleic Acids Research, 46, D100-D105 (2018).  

【171】P. Brown and Y. Zhou, Biomedical literature: Testers wanted for article search tool, Nature 549, 31 (2017). 

【170】C. Jegousse, Y. Yang, J. Zhan, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Structural signatures of thermal adaptation of bacterial ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, and messenger RNA, PLOS One 12, e0184722 (2017). 

【169】(DDIG)M. Livingstone, L. Folkman, Y. Yang, P. Zhang, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Liu, B. Stantic, and Y. Zhou, Investigating DNA, RNA and protein-based features as a means to discriminate pathogenic synonymous variants, Human Mutation 38: 1336-1347 (2017). 

【168】M. Carraro, G. Minervini, M. Giollo, Y. Bromberg, E. Capriotti, R. Casadio, R. L. Dunbrack, L. Elefanti, P. Fariselli, C. Ferrari, J. Gough, P. Katsonis, E. Leonardi, O. Lichtarge, C. Menin, P. L. Martelli, A. Niroula, L. Pal, S. Repo, M. C. Scaini, M. Vihinen, Q. Wei, Q. Xu, Y. Yang, Y. Yin, J. Zaucha, H. Zhao, Y. Zhou, S. Brenner, J. Moult, and S. C. Tosatto, Performance of in silico tools for the evaluation of p16INK4a (CDKN2A) variants in CAGI, Human Mutation, 38: 1042-1050 (2017). 

【167】(SPIDER 3)R. Heffernan, Y. Yang, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, Capturing non-local interactions by long short term memory bidirectional recurrent neural networks for improving prediction of protein secondary structure, backbone angles, contact numbers, and solvent accessibility, Bioinformatics, 33: 2842-2849 (2017) 

【166】X. Zhang, M. Li, H. Lin, X. Rao, W. Feng, Y. Yang, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Wells, Y. Zhou, and Y. Liu, regSNPs-splicing: a tool for prioritizing synonymous single-nucleotide substitution, Human Genetics,136: 1279–1289 (2017). 

【165】J.-F. Yu, X.-H. Dou, Y.-J. Sha, C.-L. Wang, B.-H. Wang, Y.-T. Chen, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, and J.-H. Wang, DisBind: A database of classified functional binding sites in disordered and structured regions of intrinsically disordered proteins, BMC Bioinformatics 18, 206 (2017). 

【164】S. Xu, J. Zhan, B. Man, S. Jiang, W. Yue, S. Gao, C. Guo, H. Liu, Z. Li, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, Real-time reliable determination of binding kinetics of DNA hybridization using a multi-channel graphene biosensor, Nature Communications 8, 14902 (2017). 

【163】H. Cao, W. Du, Y. Yang, Y. Shang, G. Li, Y. Zhou, Q. Ma, and Y. Xu, Systems-level understanding of ethanol-induced stresses and adaptation in E. coli, Scientific Reports 7, 44150 (2017).

【162】(SPOT-Ligand 2)T. Litfin, Y. Zhou and Y. Yang, SPOT-Ligand 2: Improving structure-based virtual screening by binding-homology search on an expanded structural template library, Bioinformatics, 33 1238–1240 (2017).

【161】Y. Yang, J. Gao, J. Wang, R. Heffernan, J. Hanson, K. Paliwal and Y. Zhou, Sixty-five years of the long march in protein secondary structure prediction: the final stretch?, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 19, 482–494 (2018).

【160】(RNAsnap)Y. Yang, X. Li, H. Zhao, J. Zhan, J. Wang and Y. Zhou, Genome-scale characterization of RNA tertiary structures and their functional impact by RNA solvent accessibility prediction, RNA, 23: 14-22 (2017).

【159】(SPOT-Disorder)J. Hanson, Y. Yang, K. Paliwal, and Y. Zhou, Improving protein disorder prediction by deep bidirectional long short-term memory recurrent neural networks, Bioinformatics, 33: 685–692 (2017).

【158】T. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and H. Gong, LRFragLib: an effective algorithm to identify fragments for de novo protein structure prediction, Bioinformatics, 33: 677-684 (2017).

【157】M. Li, W. Feng, X. Zhang, Y. Yang, K.Wang, M. Mort, D. Cooper, Y.Wang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Liu, Exonimpact: Prioritizing pathogenic alternative splicing events, Human Mutation, 38: 16-24 (2017).

【156】(Book Chapter) T. Zhang, E. Faraggi, Z. Li, and Y. Zhou, Intrinsic disorder and semi-disorder prediction by SPINE-D, Methods Mol Biol. 1484:159-174 Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure, Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by Y. Zhou, A. Kloczkowski, E. Faraggi, and Y. Yang, Springer Science+Business Media, Humana Press, New York.

【155】(Book Chapter) E. Faraggi, M. Kouza, Y. Zhou, and A. Kloczkowski, Fast and accurate accessible surface area prediction without a sequence profile, Methods Mol Biol. 1484:127-136. Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure, Methods in Molecular Biology, edited by Y. Zhou, A. Kloczkowski, E. Faraggi, and Y. Yang, Springer Science+Business Media, Humana Press, New York.

【154】(Book Chapter) Y. Yang, R. Heffernan, K. Paliwal, J. Lyons, A. Dehzangi, A. Sharma, J. Wang, A. Sattar, and Y. Zhou, SPIDER2: A package to predict secondary structure, accessible surface area, and main-chain torsional angles by deep neural networks, Methods in Mol Biol. 1484: 55-63. 

【153】(SPRINT-CBH)G. Taherzadeh, Y. Zhou, A. W. Liew, and Y. Yang, Sequence-based Prediction of Protein-Carbohydrate Binding Sites Using Support Vector Machines , Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 56, 2115–2122 (2016).

【152】(SPIDER-delta)J. Gao, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, Predicting the errors of predicted local backbone angles and nonlocal solvent-accessibilities of proteins by deep neural networks, Bioinformatics, 32: 3768-3773 (2016). 

【151】D. Stanisic, J. Gerrard, J. Fink, P. Griffin, X. Liu, L. Sundac, S. Sekuloski, I. Rodriguez, J. Pingnet, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, K. Trenholme, C. Wang, H. Hackett, J.-A. Chan, C. Langer, E. Hanssen, S. Hoffman, J. Beeson, J. McCarthy, and M. Good, Infectivity of Plasmodium falciparum in malaria-naïve individuals is related to knob expression and cytoadherence of the parasite, Infection and Immunity, 84, 2689-2696 (2016).

【150】W. Zhang, M. Yang, Y. Yang, J. Zhan, Y. Zhou and X. Zhao, Optimal Secretion of Alkali-tolerant Xylanase in Bacillus subtilis by Signal Peptide Screening, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100, 8745-8756 (2016).

【149】G. Ni, S. Chen, Y. Yang, S. F. Cummins, J. Zhan, Z. Li, B. Zhu, K. Mounsey, S. Walton, M. Q. Wei, Y. Wang, Y. Zhou, T. Wang, and X. Liu, Investigation of the Possibility of Using Peptides with a Helical Repeating Pattern of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Residues to Inhibit IL-10, PLoS ONE, 11, e0153939 (2016).

【148】(SPOT-ligand)Y. Yang, J. Zhan and Y. Zhou, SPOT-Ligand: Fast and effective structure-based virtual screening by binding homology search according to ligand and receptor similarity, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37, 1734-1739, (2016). 

【147】(EASE-MM)L. Folkman, B. Stantic, A. Sattar, and Y. Zhou, EASE-MM: Sequence-Based Prediction of Mutation-Induced Stability Changes with Feature-Based Multiple Models, Journal of Molecular Biology, 428, 1394-1405 (2016). 

【146】M. T. Hoque, Y. Yang, A. Mishra and Yaoqi Zhou, sDFIRE: Sequence‐specific statistical energy function for protein structure prediction by decoy selections, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37, 1119-1124 (2016).

【145】J. Yu, Z. Cao, Y. Yang, C. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Zhao, J. Wang and Y. Zhou, Natural protein sequences are more intrinsically disordered than random sequences, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 73, 2949-2957 (2016).

【144】(SPRINT)G. Taherzadeh, Y. Yang, T. Zhang, A. W. Liew and Y. Zhou, Sequence-based prediction of protein-peptide binding sites using Support Vector Machine, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 37, 1223-1229 (2016).

【143】P. Brown, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, and W. Pullan, A Heuristic for the Time Constrained Asymmetric Linear Sum Assignment Problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 33, 551-566 (2017).

【142】Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, Effective protein conformational sampling based on predicted torsion angles, J. Comput. Chem. 37, 976-980 (2016)

【141】(SPIDER2)R. Heffernan, A. Dehzangi, J. Lyons, K. Paliwal, A. Sharma, J. Wang, A. Sattar, Y. Zhou and Yuedong Yang, Highly Accurate Sequence-based Prediction of Half-Sphere Exposures of Amino Acid Residues in Proteins, Bioinformatics, 32, 843-849 (2016)

【140】(SPalign-NS)P. Brown, W. Pullan, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, Fast and accurate non-sequential protein structure alignment using a new asymmetric linear sum assignment heuristic, Bioinformatics, 32, 370-377 (2016). 

【139】J. Lyons, A. Dehzangi, R. Heffernan, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, A. Sharma and K. Paliwal, Advancing the Accuracy of Protein Fold Recognition by Utilizing Profiles from Hidden Markov Models, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 14, 761–772 (2015).

【138】(SPIDER2)R. Heffernan, K. Paliwal, J. Lyons, A. Dehzangi, A. Sharma, J. Wang, A. Sattar, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, Improving prediction of secondary structure, local backbone angles, and solvent accessible surface area of proteins by iterative deep learning, Scientific Reports,  5  11476 (2015).

【137】(DDIG-in FS/NS)L. Folkman, Y. Yang, Z. Li, B. Stantic, A. Sattar, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhou, DDIG-in: detecting disease-causing genetic variations due to frameshifting indels and nonsense mutations employing sequence and structural properties at nucleotide and protein levels, Bioinformatics,  31 1599–1606 (2015).


【136】E. Faraggi, Y. Zhou, and A. Kloczkowski, “Accurate single-sequence prediction of solvent accessible surface area using local and global features.”, Proteins, 82 3170-3176 (2014).

【135】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, M. von Itzstein, and Y. Zhou, “Carbohydrate-binding protein identification by coupling structural similarity search with binding affinity prediction.”, J. Comput. Chem., 35, 2177-2183 (2014).

【134】Z. Li, Y. Yang, E. Faraggi, J. Zhan, and Y. Zhou, “Direct prediction of profiles of sequences compatible with a protein structure by neural networks with fragment-based local and energy-based nonlocal profiles.”, Proteins, 82, 2565-2573 (2014). 

【133】J. Lyons, A. Dehzangi, R. Heffernan, A. Sharma, K. Paliwal, A. Sattar, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang, “Predicting backbone Cα angles and dihedrals from protein sequences by stacked sparse auto-encoder deep neural network.”, J. Comp. Chem. 35, 2040-2046 (2014)

【132】H. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Yang “Predicting DNA-binding proteins and binding residues by complex structure prediction and application to human proteome.”, PLOS one, 9, e96694 (2014).

【131】X. Zhang, H. Lin, H. Zhao, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Zhou, and Y. Liu, “Impact of human pathogenic micro-insertions and micro-deletions on post-transcriptional regulation.”, Human Molecular Genetics, 23, 3024–3034 (2014).

【130】S. Liang, C. Zhang, and Y. Zhou, “LEAP: Highly accurate prediction of protein loop conformations by integrating coarse-grained sampling and optimized energy scores with all- atom refinement of backbone and side chains”, J. Comput. Chem. 35, 335-341 (2014).

【129】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, S. C. Janga, C. Kao, and Y. Zhou, “Prediction and validation of the unexplored RNA-binding protein atlas of the human proteome”, Proteins, 82 640-647 (2014).

【128】Y. Yang, H. Zhao, J. Wang, and Y. Zhou, “SPOT-Seq: Predicting protein-RNA complex structure and RNA-binding function by fold recognition and binding affinity prediction”, Methods in Molecular Biology (Protein Structure Prediction, 3rd Edition), Edited by D. Kihara, 1137, 119-130 (2014).

【127】B.-R. Zhou, H. Feng, H. Kato, L. Dai, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou and Y. Bai, “Structural insights into the histone H1-nucleosome complex”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 110, 19390-19395 (2013).

【126】J. Wang, Y. Yang, Z. Cao, Z. Li, H. Zhao and Y. Zhou, “The role of semi-disorder in temperature adaptation of bacterial FlgM proteins”, Biophys. J. 105, 2598-2605 (2013).

【125】H. Zhao, Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, “Prediction of RNA binding proteins comes of age from low resolution to high resolution”, Molecular Biosystems 9 , 2417-2425 (2013). 

【124】T. Zhang, E. Faraggi, Z. Li, and Y. Zhou, “Intrinsically semi-disordered state and its role in induced folding and protein aggregation “, Cell Biochemistry & Biophys 67, 1193-1205 (2013).

【123】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, H. Lin, X. Zhang, M. Mort, D. N. Cooper, Y. Liu and Y. Zhou, “DDIG-in: Discriminating between disease-associated and neutral non-frameshifting micro-indels”, Genome Biology 14 , R43 (2013).

【122】Z. Li, Y. Yang, J. Zhan, L. Dai and Y. Zhou, “Energy Functions in De Novo Protein Design: Current Challenges and Future Prospects”, Ann. Rev. Biophysics 42, 315-335 (2013). 

【121】J. Gao, E. Faraggi, Y. Zhou, J. Ruan, and L. Kurgan, “BEST: Improved Prediction of B-Cell Epitopes from Antigen Sequences”, PLoS one 7, e40104 (2012).

【120】Y. Yang, J. Zhan, H. Zhao, and Y. Zhou, “A new size-independent score for pairwise protein structure alignment and its assessment by structure classification and nucleic-acid binding prediction”, Proteins 80, 2080-2088 (2012). 

【119】T. Lu, Y. Yang, B. Yao, S. Liu, Y. Zhou, and C. Zhang, “Template-based structure prediction and classification of transcription factors in arabidopsis thaliana.”, Protein Science 21, 828-838 (2012).

【118】T. Zhang, E. Faraggi, B. Xue, A. K. Dunker, V. N. Uversky and Y. Zhou, “SPINE-D: Accurate prediction of short and long disordered regions by a single neural-network-based method”, J. Biomol. Struc. Dyn. 29 , 799-813 (2012).

【117】E. Faraggi, T. Zhang, Y. Yang, L. Kurgan and Y. Zhou, “SPINE X: Improving protein secondary structure prediction by multi-step learning coupled with prediction of solvent accessible surface area and backbone torsion angles, J. Comput. Chem.” 33 , 259-267 (2012).

【116】S. J. Fleishman, T. A. Whitehead, E.-M. Strauch, J. E. Corn, S. Qin, H.-X. Zhou, J. C. Mitchell, O. N. Demerdash, M. Takeda-Shitaka, G. Terashi, I. H. Moal, X. Li, P. A. Bates, M. Zacharias, H. Park, J. Ko, H. Lee, C. Seok, T. Bourquard, J. Bernauer, A. Poupon, J. Aze, S. Soner, S. K. Ovali, P. Ozbek, N. Ben Tal, T. Haliloglu, H. Hwang, T. Vreven, B. G. Pierce, Z. Weng, L. Perez-Cano, C. Pons, J. Fernadez-Recio, F. Jiang, F. Yang, X. Gong, L. Cao, X. Xu, B. Liu, P. Wang, C. Li, C. Wang, C. H. Robert, M. Guharoy, S. Liu, Y. Huang, L. Li , D. Guo, Y. Chen, Y. Xiao, N. London, Z. Itzhaki, O. Schueler-Furman, Y. Inbar, V. Patapov, M. Cohen, G. Schreiber, Y. Tsuchiya, E. Kanamori, D. M. Standley, H. Nakamura, K. Kinoshita, C. M. Driggers, R. G. Hall, J. L. Morgan, V. L. Hsu, J. Zhan, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, P. L. Kastritis, A. M. J. J. Bonvin, W. Zhang, C. J. Camacho, K. P. Kilambi, A. Sircar, J. J. Gray, M, Ohue, N. Uchikoga, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Ishida, Y. Akiyama, R. Khashan, S. Bush, D. Fouches, A. Tropsha, J. Esquivel-Rodrigez, D. Kihara, P. B. Stranges, R. Jacak, B. Kuhlman, S. Huang, X. Zou, S. J. Wodak, J. Janin, and D. Baker, “Community-wide assessment of protein-interface modeling suggests improvements to design methodology”, J. Molec. Biol. 114, 289-302 (2011).

【115】]H. Zhao, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, “Highly accurate and high-resolution function prediction of RNA binding proteins by fold recognition and binding affinity prediction”, RNA Biology 8, 988-996 (2011).

【114】Y. Yang, E. Faraggi, H. Zhao and Y. Zhou, “Improving protein fold recognition and template-based modeling by employing probabilistic-based matching between predicted one-dimensional structural properties of the query and corresponding native properties of templates” Bioinformatics 27, 2076-2082 (2011).

【113】M. Mizianty, T. Zhang, B. Xue, Y. Zhou, A. K. Dunker, V. N. Uversky and L. Kurgan, “In-silico prediction of disorder content using hybrid sequence representation”, BMC Bioinformatics 12, 245 (2011).

【112】H. Cheng, W. S. Chan, Z. Li, D. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Zhou, “Small open reading frames: Current prediction techniques and future prospect” Current Protein and Peptide Science 12, 503-507 (2011).

【111】]L. Dai and Y. Zhou, “Characterizing the existing and potential structural space of proteins by large-scale multiple loop permutations” J. Molec. Biol. 408, 585-595 (2011). 

【110】S. Liang, Y. Zhou, N. Grishin, and D. M. Standley, “Protein side chain modeling with orientation dependent atomic force fields derived by series expansions.”, J. Comput. Chem. 32, 1680-1686 (2011).

【109】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, “Structure-based prediction of RNA-binding domains and RNA-binding sites and application to structural genomics targets” Nucleic Acids Research 39, 3017-3025 (2011). 

【108】Y. Zhou, Y. Duan, Y. Yang, E. Faraggi, H. Lei, “Trends in template/fragment-free protein structure prediction” (Invited feature article) Theor. Chem. Accounts 128, 3-16 (2011).

【107】T. Zhang, E. Faraggi, and Y. Zhou, “Fluctuations of backbone torsion angles obtained from NMR-determined structures and their prediction.” Proteins 78, 3353-3362 (2010). 

【106】H. Zhao, Y. Yang, and Y. Zhou, “Structure-based prediction of DNA-binding proteins by structural alignment and a volume-fraction corrected DFIRE-based energy function.” Bioinformatics 26, 1857-1863 (2010).

【105】L. Dai, Y. Yang, H. Kim and Y. Zhou, “Improving computational protein design by using structure-derived sequence profile.” Proteins 78, 2338-2348 (2010).

【104】Y. Zhou and E. Faraggi, “Prediction of one-dimensional structural properties of proteins by integrated neural network” in H. Rangwala and G. Karypis (Eds.) Protein Structure Prediction: Method and Algorithms (Chapter 4, pp. 45-74), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley (2010).


【103】E. Faraggi, Y. Yang, S. Zhang and Y. Zhou, “Predicting continuous local structure and the effect of its substitution for secondary structure in fragment-free protein structure prediction”, Structure 17,1515-1527 (2009)

【102】B. Xu, Y. Yang, H. Liang and Y. Zhou, “An all-atom knowledge-based energy function for protein-DNA threading, decoy discrimination, and prediction of transcription-factor binding profiles”, Proteins 76, 718-730 (2009)

【101】S. Liang, G. Wang, and Y. Zhou, “Refining near-native protein-protein docking decoys by local re-sampling and energy minimization”, Proteins 76, 309-316 (2009)

【100】B. Xue, E. Faraggi, and Y. Zhou, “Predicting residue-residue contact maps by a two-layer, integrated neural-network method.”, Proteins 76, 176-183 (2009)

【99】S. Liang, L. Li, W.L. Hsu, V. N. Uversky, Y. Zhou, A. K. Dunker and S. O. Meroueh, “Exploring the molecular design of protein interaction sites with molecular dynamics and free energy calculations”, Biochemistry 48, 399-414 (2009).

【98】S. Liang, S. O. Meroueh, Guangce Wang, Chao Qiu and Y. Zhou, “Consensus scoring for enriching near-native structures from protein-protein docking decoys”, Proteins 75, 397-403 (2009)

【97】E. Faraggi, B. Xue, and Y. Zhou, “Improving the prediction accuracy of residue solvent accessibility and real-value backbone torsion angles of proteins by fast guided-learning through a two-layer neural network.”, Proteins 74, 857-871 (2009)

【96】H. Lei, C. Wu, Z. X. Wang, Y. Zhou, and Y. Duan, “Folding processes of the B domain of protein A to the native state observed in all-atom ab initio folding simulations”, J. Chem. Phys.128, 235105 (2008).

【95】Z. Luo, J. Ding and Y. Zhou, “Folding mechanisms of individual beta-hairpins in a Go model of Pin1 WW domain by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations”, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 225103 (2008)

【94】W. Zhang, S. Liu and Y. Zhou, “SP5: Improving protein fold recognition by using predicted torsion angles and profile-based gap penalty”, PLoS ONE 3, e2325 (2008)

【93】Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, “Ab initio folding of terminal segments with secondary structures reveals the fine difference between two closely-related all-atom statistical energy functions.“, Protein Science 17 1212-1219, (2008)

【92】Y. Yang and Y. Zhou, “Specific interactions for ab initio folding of protein terminal regions with secondary structures.“, Proteins 72, 793-803 (2008)

【91】B. Xue, O. Dor, E. Faraggi and Y. Zhou, “Real value prediction of backbone torsion angles.”, Proteins 72, 427-433 (2008)

【90】W. Zhang, A. K. Dunker, and Y. Zhou, “Assessing secondary-structure assignment of protein structures by using pairwise sequence-alignment benchmarks.”, Proteins 71, 61-67 (2008)

【89】Z. Luo, J. Ding, and Y. Zhou, “Temperature-Dependent Folding Pathways of Pin1 WW Domain: An All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Gō Model.“, Biophys. J.93, 2152-2161 (2007)

【88】S. Liang, S. Liu, C. Zhang and Y. Zhou, “A simple reference state makes a significant improvement in near-native selections from structurally refined docking decoys.”, Proteins 69, 244-253 (2007)

【87】Y. Chen, Y. Zhou and J. Ding, “The helix-coil transition revisited.”, Proteins 69, 58-68 (2007)

【86】H. Zhou, B. Xue, and Y. Zhou, “DDOMAIN: Dividing structures into domains using a normalized domain-domain interaction profile”, Protein Sci.16,947-955 (2007)

【85】S. Liu, C. Zhang, S. Liang, and Y. Zhou, “Fold Recognition by Concurrent Use of Solvent Accessibility and Residue Depth”, Proteins68, 636-645, (2007)

【84】O. Dor and Y. Zhou, “Real-SPINE: An integrated system of neural networks for real-value prediction of protein structural properties”,Protein68, 76-81, (2007)

【83】O. Dor and Y. Zhou, “Achieving 80% ten-fold cross-validated accuracy for secondary structure prediction by large-scale training”, Proteins 66, 838-845, (2007)

【82】Y. Zhou, H. Zhou, and M. Karplus, “Cooperativity in Scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: Simulation of binding intermediates and elucidation of the role of interfacial water”, Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, 17:191-211 (2006)

【81】S. Liang, C. Zhang, S. Liu and Y. Zhou, “Protein binding site prediction with an empirical scoring function“,Nucl. Acids Res. 34, 3698-3707 (2006).

【80】C. Zhang, S. Liu and Y. Zhou, “MC2: Identifying high-quality protein-interaction modules by clique merging”, J. Proteome Res. 5, 801-807 (2006).

【79】S. Liu, C. Zhang and Y. Zhou, “Uneven size distribution of mammalian genes in the number of tissues expressed and in the number of co-expressed genes”, Human Molec. Genetics 15, 1313-1318 (2006)

【78】Y. Zhou, H. Zhou, C. Zhang and S. Liu, “What is a desirable statistical energy function for proteins and how can it be obtained?”, Cell Biochem. Biophys. 46, 165-174 (2006)

【77】Z. Xu and C. Zhang and S. Liu and Y. Zhou, “QBES: Predicting real values of solvent accessibility from sequences by efficient, constrained energy optimization”, Proteins 63, 961-966 (2006). 

【76】Z. Zhou, H. Feng, H. Zhou, Y. Zhou and Y. Bai, “Design and folding of a multi-domain protein”, Biochemistry 44, 12107-12112 (2005).

【75】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “SPEM: Improving multiple-sequence alignment with sequence profiles and predicted secondary structures”, Bioinformatics 21, 3615-3621 (2005).

【74】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “SPARKS 2 and SP3 servers in CASP 6.”, Proteins (Supplement CASP issue), Suppl7 152-156 (2005).

【73】H. Li and Y. Zhou, “Fold helical proteins by energy minimization in dihedral space and a DFIRE-based statistical energy function”, J. Bioinfo. Comput. Biol. 3, 1151-1170 (2005).

【72】B. P. Pandey, C. Zhang, X. Yuan, J. Zi and Y. Zhou, “Protein flexibility prediction by an all-atom mean-field statistical theory”, Protein Science 14, 1772-1777 (2005).

【71】H. Li and Y. Zhou, “SCUD: Fast structure clustering of decoys using reference state to remove overall rotation”, J. Comput. Chem. 26, 1189-1192 (2005). 

【70】H. Zhou, C. Zhang, S. Liu, and Y. Zhou, “Web-based toolkits for topology prediction of transmembrane helical proteins, fold recognition, structure and binding scoring, folding-kinetics analysis, and comparative analysis of domain combinations”, Nucl. Acids Res. (Server issue) 33, W193-W197 (2005).

【69】C. Zhang, S. Liu, and Y. Zhou, “Docking prediction using biological information, ZDOCK sampling technique and clustering guided by the DFIRE statistical energy function”, Proteins (Special CAPRI issue) 60, 314-318 (2005)

【68】C. Zhang, S. Liu, Q. Zhu, and Y. Zhou, “A knowledge-based energy function for protein-ligand, protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes”, J. Med. Chem. 48, 2325-2335 (2005).

【67】S. Liu, C. Zhang, and Y. Zhou, “Domain Graph of Arabidopsis thaliana Proteome by comparative analysis”, J. Proteome Res. 4, 435-444 (2005).

【66】H. Zhou, and Y. Zhou, “Fold recognition by combining sequence profiles derived from evolution and from depth-dependent structural alignment of fragments.”, Proteins. 58, 321-328 (2005).


【65】Y. Bai, H. Zhou, and Y. Zhou, “Critical nucleation size in the folding of small apparently two-state proteins.”, Protein Sci. 13, 1173-1181 (2004).

【64】C. Zhang, S. Liu, H. Zhou, and Y. Zhou, “The dependence of all-atom statistical potentials on training structural database.”, Biophys. J. 86, 3349-3358 (2004). 

【63】C. Zhang, S. Liu, H. Zhou, and Y. Zhou, “An accurate residue-level pair potential of mean force for folding and binding based on the distance-scaled ideal-gas reference state.”, Protein Sci. 13, 400-411 (2004). 

【62】C. Zhang, S. Liu, and Y. Zhou, “Accurate and efficient loop selections using DFIRE-based all-atom statistical potential.”, Protein Sci. 13, 391-399 (2004). 

【61】S. Liu, C. Zhang, H. Zhou, and Y. Zhou, “A physical reference state unifies the structure-derived potential of mean force for protein folding and binding.”, Proteins 56, 93-101 (2004).

【60】H. Jang, C. K. Hall, and Y. Zhou, “Thermodynamics and stability of a beta-sheet complex: Molecular dynamics simulations on simplified off-lattice protein models”, Protein Sci., 13, 40-53 (2004)

【59】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou,``Single-body residue-level knowledge-based energy score combined with sequence-profile and secondary structure information for fold recognition”, Proteins, 55, 1005-1013 (2004).

【58】H. Jang, C. K. Hall, and Y. Zhou, “Assembly and kinetic folding pathways of a tetrameric beta-sheet complex: Molecular dynamics simulations on simplified off-lattice protein models”, Biophys. J., 86, 31-49 (2004). 

【57】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “Quantifying the effect of burial of amino acid residues on protein stability”, Proteins, 54, 315-322 (2004).

【56】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “Predicting the topology of transmembrane helical proteins using mean burial propensity and a hidden-Markov-model based method”, Protein Sci., 12, 1547-1555 (2003).

【55】Y. Zhou, C. Zhang, G. Stell, and J. Wang, “Temperature dependence of the distribution of the first passage time: Results from all-atom discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 6300-6305 (2003). 

【54】Y. Zhou, H. Zhou, and M. Karplus, “Cooperativity in Scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: Simulation of binding intermediates and elucidation of the role of interfacial water”, J. Mol. Biol., 326 , 593-606 (2003). 

【53】A. Linhananta and Y. Zhou, “The role of sidechain packing and native contact interactions in folding: Discontinuous molecular dynamics folding simulations of an all-atom Go model of fragment B of Staphylococcal protein A.“ J. Chem. Phys, 117 , 8983-8995 (2002).

【52】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “Distance-scaled, finite ideal-gas reference state improves structure-derived potentials of mean force for structure selection and stability prediction, Protein Science, 11 , 2714-2726 (2002). 

【51】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “The stability scale and atomic solvation parameters extracted from 1023 mutation experiments”, Proteins, 49 , 483-492 (2002).

【50】A. Linhananta, H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “The dual role of a loop with low loop contact distance in folding and domain swapping”, Protein Science, 11 , 1695-1701 (2002). 

【49】H. Jang, C. K. Hall, and Y. Zhou “Protein folding pathways and kinetics: Molecular dynamics simulations of beta-strand motifs”, Biophys. J. 83 , 819-835 (2002).

【48】Y. Zhou and A. Linhananta, “Role of hydrophilic and hydrophobic contacts in folding of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G: Molecular dynamics simulation studies of an all-atom model”, Proteins, 47 , 154-162 (2002).

【47】Y. Zhou and A. Linhananta, “Thermodynamics of an all-atom off-lattice model of the fragment B of Staphylococcal protein A: Implication for the origin of the cooperativity of protein folding”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 106 , 1481-1485 (2002).

【46】H. Jang, C. K. Hall, and Y. Zhou “Folding thermodynamics of model four-strand antiparallel beta-sheet proteins.”,Biophys. J 82 , 646-659 (2002).

【45】Y. Zhou, M. Karplus, K. D. Ball and R. S. Berry, “The distance fluctuation criterion for melting: Comparison of square-well and Morse potential models for clusters and homopolymers”,J. Chem. Phys., 116 , 2323-2329 (2002).

【44】H. Zhou and Y. Zhou, “Folding rate prediction using total contact distance.”, Biophys. J. 82 , 458-463 (2002).

【43】Y. Zhou, “Fast and accurate thermodynamics of square-well systems from umbrella-sampling simulations of hard-sphere systems.”, J. Chem. Phys. 115 , 7550-7553 (2001).

【42】Y. Zhou, M. Cook, and M. Karplus, “Protein motions at zero-total angular momentum: The importance of long-range correlations.“, Biophys. J. 79 , 2902-2908 (2000).


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【37】Y. Zhou, “Salt effects on protein titration and binding.”, J. Phys. Chem. 102 , 10615 (1998).

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